There are many feature-requests with "status-declined" or "by design", that have high number of votes.
They should be considered for review if the number of votes exceed some limit(e.g. 25) and status was changed some time (e.g. 1 year) ago.
Jeff Atwood' s suggestion in the blog comment May 14 2010
If you want [status-declined] / [status-bydesign] items to be reconsidered, you should open them as new requests, link to the old request, and explain in a VERY convincing way why “this time is different” :)
is not realistic. Most likely the new request will be closed as a duplicate. And how long it would take for the new request to get reasonable number of votes, that old request already have?
Currently any votes for declined/bydesign questions are ignored. This is contradicts to Jeff' s recommendation
if your favorite isn’t there,search for it and vote it up to get it on that meta leaderboard, and on our radar.
The review process will be consistent with the normal approach
If your bug or feature request gets a lot of votes, or is urgent in some other obvious way, it will be handled. Otherwise, you need to rally support for your request by convincing other users in the community (and, by proxy, us) it's worth doing.