I only read Meta every so often but I've seen lots of talk about SCITE and FGITW. I have no idea what these are!
Can someone please define and explain these abbreviations?
I only read Meta every so often but I've seen lots of talk about SCITE and FGITW. I have no idea what these are!
Can someone please define and explain these abbreviations?
FGITW - Fastest Gun in the West
The fastest reply to a question. Relevant to how Stack Overflow sorted answers until around August 27 2009. The original sorting was 'number of votes' followed by 'oldest answer first'. This meant that the first answerer was given a natural advantage as their answer was at the top of the page.
This could be seen as a disadvantage to answerers that took longer to write their response to a question. Although their answer might be 'better', the first answer given would often be upvoted first.
SCITE - Slowest Cheater in the East
Relevant to how Stack Overflow currently sorts answers. The current sorting is 'number of votes' followed by 'random'. This means there is no longer preference given to the age of an answer.
This could be gamed when a user copied and/or combined other answers and then strategically vote other answers down. Someone visiting the question would see this combined answer as the best one and vote it up, placing it to the top of the answer list. Once the gamer had enough votes that would remove the downvotes from other answers.
The length of time for an up or downvote before changes were locked was dramatically reduced in an attempt to alleviate this problem.
FGITW - Fastest Gun in the West - Fastest to reply to a question
Only noticed someone tagging a couple of posts with scite-problem on questions about FGITW.
So SCITE is probably about Seven Chinese In The East.
Then again, it could be the seven cities in the East short changing internationlists taking earned sabbaticals, charging indignant tariffs everywhere.
SCITE - Slowest Cheater in the East
Searching for SCITE turns up this question wherein Mehrdad seemingly coins the term.
We all know search sucks, but it's not completely useless :-)
AFAIK, the idea is that you copy the FGITW's answer, then vote them down, thus earning votes and the misplaced-respect of your peers. Although I would have thought that the fastest cheater would do better than the slowest.