Do not focus on the points. Better focus to make good answers, write some text, together with source code, and well formatted. Do not just throw a link, or code.
If you have one more good answer - please add it, you may or may not get up-vote, probably fewer people see it from a brand new question of the same type/keywords
but you help anyone that search on the internet and come to that answer, and you also help if your answer is more updated than the old one.
From my experience, some day I was looking for something to solve, and found some answers to stackoverflow that did not solve it - then I discover a new library that helps me, and come back to SO and write about it, with out even a moment thinking the votes - and look it now and still is not the selected answer, (and the one say "can not" the other say "you can"). I really do not care that is not the selected - from the votes is sure that helps some people.
So if you believe that you have something that can help, please write it.