My Understanding of Downvotes and Upvotes
It was my understanding that using downvotes and upvotes was the right way to:
- increase visibility of valid and high-quality answers,
- decrease visibility of invalid or low-quality answers.
I also see downvotes as a temporary measure to encourage improvements. This attempts to decrease their visibility until then and forces their author to rework them. Ultimately, it "buries" them if the crowd so decides, and:
- reduces noise (by pushing them down the thread until they get improved),
- or even suppresses noise (by encouraging their original author to delete them if they know they won't rework them).
In the extreme case where that's not appropriate or not efficient, and where it would be warranted, flagging for moderator attention would be the other approach (extremely bad answers, spam, offensive content and other things that require immediate and radical action).
So, I occasionally add a -1 to a "useless" answer and notify its owner of my reasoning and request an improvement, sometime even mentioning that I'd gladly cancel or invert this downvote afterwards once they do improve their answer. By useless, I mean an answer of poor quality, or, most likely, not adding any value or no new information that would already listed by prior answers.
The Current Case Study
I just did on this SO question, to what seemed, at least to me, good effect. Hopefully this is something you can see that if you had high privileges or mod rights. A good answer was posted by Joachim Pileborg, and a few seconds later a nearly identical one appeared by Carl Norum. However it didn't provide, at the time, any added value.
So I upvoted the good and first one and downvotied the bad one (with an explaining for the downvote in a comment). Of course, this created a shift between the +1-rated answer and the -1-rated answer. As you can imagine, the +1 quickly became a +4. I gad explained my logic to the one I downvoted, and he kindly removed his answer.
This, to me, seemed a very good use of upvotes and downvotes, and the ideal resolution:
- answers without value get deleted,
- both downvoter and downvoter get their "downvotes" points back (I think? not even sure) as the answer gets deleted,
- more votes for top answerer,
- overall quality improves, yay!
And it seems to me like a very good approach, though it's mostly effective if done right at the time when questions are posted and first answers appear. The window of opportunity is very, very small. Afterwards, it is a bit harsh to request a deletion if there's a loss of points involved or an emotional attachment to an answer. Which brings me to another point, and sometimes makes me wonder if voting shouldn't be disallowed - or maybe allowed, but without showing the sum of the votes - for the 10 minutes following the posting. Thus early answers can be fleshed out and improved and it's not a game of "I was first, so the timeshift is in my favor" but of "my answer is actually better, even though I posted it shortly after". Which seems more fitting.
Apparently, using the above approach on that question I listed may have pissed off the person whose answer I downvoted (I hope not, and I cannot know for sure as Carl didn't reply afterwards), but it surely looks like I may have pissed off others who feel like I was an *ss for doing so.
I hereby ask confirmation on my behavior...
Mostly... Was what I did good or evil? Was I, essentially, really being an *ass? I don't mind looking like one to others, if I was right in the eye of the sites' maintainers and mods.
- Could I have done it differently?
- Is it a good use of downvotes and upvotes?
- Would that "no total votes" or "no votes at all" "grace period" be a good idea to encourage this, and make it more fair for good questions to be upvoted and accepted, while sometimes the time shift plays in favor of slightly worse answers, just because first votes came upon them first and it biased next voters?
See also this meta-answer on P.SE (to a different question though) where I originally mentioned the same approach, which I rephrased above for clarity to get more feedback.
Update: So, the general consensus was that I was being an ass or misusing downvotes. Won't do that again and will leave more time before downvoting. Thanks to all for the interesting and constructive discussions.