Given that I was one of the users who voted to close your question I thought I'd upgrade my comment to an answer in view of other comments and viewpoints.
In this case, my reasons for closure were several-fold:
- Your base question was indeed answerable with a 'yes' or 'no' (there were other more complex questions included in your post, but that didn't address your initial and posted question).
- The question was (and remains) easily discoverable by performing a number of searches both on Google and SO that prove some basic level of research - something that most (ok, some) users understand as prerequisites to asking any question on SO.
- By asking myself: "Will this question benefit others in it's context and content".
- Most people working with MySQL and PDO are usually aware of the MySQL query cache (that gets invalidated under various conditions as new answers have mentioned).
With hindsight, closure on the basis of Not Constructive was perhaps incorrect (although you made no references to any research). However, there isn't an option for me or anyone else to close on the basis of "You haven't done any basic research which would have answered your primary question" or a custom reason; Reasons that sometimes fall outside the categories that we're forced to choose from - as others have outlined as potential edge-cases.
Ironically, after your question was re-opened, you accepted an answer from a high-rep user (higher-rep usually instills a higher level of trust) that was basically copy-and-pasted from the MySQL website; A page that is the top result if you had googled for: mysql query caching (or other similarly worded searches) and which was, really, the underlying point of my vote to close.
Whilst I didn't see prerequisite research in the initial question, given your post here on MSO, I do see a wish to learn and expand your knowledge (like all of us) - nothing but a great thing from my perspective and perhaps your questions from here will benefit from this process :)
As echoed by other comments and answers, sometimes, closure is subjective and why MSO should be used where that subjectivity needs to be called into question.