I recently made the same edit request twice because there was no obvious feedback about the first edit request being rejected.
I thought the edit didn't 'take' just because there had been a problem with the website or my browser.
It is sad to see that though the problem of low visibility of rejected edits was brought up over a year ago, feedback on edit requests is still buried.
Decision on rejected edits should be displayed as a notification to the editor
If we can't make sure people get feedback on requested edits (if we want to avoid in-your-face negative comments: see here), can we at least have the system detect when a user makes repeated attempts to edit another user's post (question or answer)?
That is a pretty good indicator of the editor being clueless (as I was) about how tucked-away feedback is, and that the editor does not really mean to request the edit multiple times.
This feature could be implemented either
- with automation,
- by asking reviewers to take a peek at a user's last couple of edit requests if about to reject one,
or some combination of the two.
(I am not going to sweat my inflated number of rejected edits (also due to not knowing an earlier edit of another item had been rejected. I discovered all of the rejections, all for the same reason which I now understand, much later when exploring my profile page), but I would like to save future users from this issue.)