I think the “minimal understanding” off-topic reason doesn't apply since the user passed the criteria.
As to whether or not it is a duplicate of an existing question, maybe it is.
Does the question show lack of research effort? In my opinion, yes. Similar questions has been asked before (which shouldn't come as a surprise given that the operation in question – output the content of an array – isn't exactly exotic.
I don't think this review audit is one of those “obviously there's nothing wrong here” case. It made me pause to philosophize for a few minutes.
Juicy bits of details
I don't think “Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved” would apply here. Specifically, the user passed the 3 requirements
- showed he tried to do (he provided a sample code he tried)
- showed why it didn't work (he showed the actual output he got, which is the memory address)
- showed how it should work (he showed the Python equivalent; he showed the desired output)
It seems like a good question based on a few criteria:
- Healthy amount of up-votes
- It has gotten answers from several (very) high-rep users (we can safely assume that they know how the site works very well, and they have taken no issue with the question)
- Judging from the answer, aside from the (somewhat obvious) for-loop solution, the solution to this problem can be non-trivial; in other words, there are some great answers.
Despite this, I can't help feeling there's a big hairy “but” out there, because
- C++ is a very popular language
- Printing the content of an array feels like a pretty common operation (which is basically what the question is asking, aside from some cosmetic differences, namely the curly braces and the comma in between the elements)
So, someone would have probably asked the same (or at least very similar) question(s) in the past, no?
I googled up “print array in C++” and found a few answers. One of them is this SO question from about 4 years ago: Printing an array in C++?
While not as well-written as the newer question, the older question was asking essentially the same thing.
So, is this a duplicate? I'm tempted to flag it as such, but a few things give me pause
- There's some minor differences
- The older question mentioned reversing the array (so the answers differ a bit)
- The newer question requested for curly braces and commas (cosmetic, but still a difference there)
- High-rep users have been there but the post seems untouched; there's no mention of this older question I've found, for example.
Skimming through the answers, aside from the advanced-looking IO manipulator solution in the newer question, both question share very similar-looking answers (aside from the minor differences I mentioned earlier).
Right now, I'm leaning slightly towards not a duplicate due to the minor difference plus the non-action from others. But I wouldn't say it's clearly not a duplicate.
In any case, I'm of the opinion that the user shows a lack of research effort. He could've easily found the very similar older question I've mentioned above. The accepted answer is very similar to Johannes Schaub's answer and could be adapted from the latter with some minor modification.
But lack of research effort is a down-vote matter, not a closing matter (assuming that it's not considered a duplicate).
i can't print an array in C++, I tried but it didn't work.