I am at work, and I am behind a Squid proxy. Usually everything works fine. But from time to time, I get this (in chrome console:)

WebSocket connection to 'ws://sockets.ny.stackexchange.com/' failed: Unexpected response code: 502

And that prevent every ajax request (When you click edit for example) from working. What could be wrong ?

Another problem is that approx 50% of pages that I load, I have to reload because the first time it hanged. This may be linked to the same issue. All of this is very irritating.

I don't have details about the proxy server, so that might be very hard to reproduce. But I am interested if you have any pointers.

Note: I have no problems whatsoever using a normal internet connexion.

  • 2
    What could be wrong ? - a buggy proxy, for instance.
    – Oded
    Commented Jul 11, 2013 at 13:09
  • 1
    The error you got means the web sockets connection failed, it got nothing to do with the AJAX failing to trigger, which happens when the CDN is blocked thus required JS files are not loaded. Commented Aug 28, 2013 at 17:40

1 Answer 1


This is caused by someone up the chain between you and SE running squid in transparent mode and SE's heavy use of websockets.

Unfortunately the squid devs refuse to implement WS support for some reason. Oddly enough web sockets over https via squid work great.

  • 1
    Well, switching to secure web sockets is planned so sounds like it will solve this problem. Commented Aug 28, 2013 at 17:42

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