Recently, I have been chatting on my mobile device more frequently, and have noticed a slight error in the way that thumbnails of Oneboxed videos are displayed. I tried to post a mobile video, using the m. prefix instead of the www. prefix, and it was only displayed as a link to the video, instead of a thumbnail.
The point is that if you post a video as***, it renders a thumbnail of the video, but if you post a mobile video as* it renders a link to the video, not a thumbnail of if.
For example: would correctly Onebox in chat,
but: wouldn't.
Proposed Solution: Write a few lines of code into the API that would automatically change the address's prefix to www. from the mobile prefix, m., which would enable the video to be oneboxed correctly.
Thank you to everyone who upvoted and supported this. Also, thank you to the SE employees who made this possible!