I've been utilizing Stack Overflow in different ways. Recently it's taken the form of finding a user and upvoting interesting answers to questions until they've received the Mortarboard badge.
My requirements for finding a user:
- Must be active, e.g. appear on this list: https://stackoverflow.com/users
- Must have at least 20 answers to questions.
- Must not have the Mortarboard Badge (badge for obtaining 200 daily rep in a day).
My process for upvoting that user:
- Go through their answers to questions.
- Read a question. If the question is interesting, and the users answer to that question is valid & correct, I'll go ahead and upvote the user. Basically if I've learned something new, I give out my vote.
- Repeat the above until the user has received the badge.
Up until recently I didn't know my upvotes were being reverted. This is understandable as it isn't normal behavior - Maybe I'll pace out the +200 rep throughout the day... but that's not the point.
The main question is - what's the difference in using the site in this manner vs. browsing the "interesting" section of the website and doing the same thing? Why is this considered a bad thing? The questions:
Do not apply to this question. I know this is serial upvoting. I want to know why it isn't allowed is certain situations such as this.
and I brighten some random person's day
I've been serial upvoted by a stranger, and it didn't brighten my day at all, it just bothered me. I'd rather obtain rep because people found my individual answers well-written and useful, not because someone liked my profile picture. Besides which, how do you think the random person feels about then losing 200 rep the next day?