Short version:
- Make a filter selection page the default entry point for the review queues
- Show the size of the queues for tags they are likely able to work with - not the whole queue
- When all review options are done, show the user the impact they have had on the view of the queue they were given to start with
Long version:
There are (at least) two things that discourage people from getting into the /review - the appearance of an endless list that one can't make a dent on and having to 'skip' all the time to get to questions that one does know how.
I'll also point out that I suspect that some honest review audit failures come from people trying to review things they don't have a grasp of. Making it easier for people to review what they do know may make it easier to honestly pass audits.
Under this model instead of showing someone trying to make a dent in "84,803 need review", break it down to the tags and reasons that a person can work with and see a reward from.
I'm going to use Robert Harvey for this because he has more interesting tags than I do. I'm also going to pretend that everything he answered or asked is in the close review queue for the purposes of data.
Take the top 50 tags a person has. This is about the first page of tags. The reason for this is that it helps ensure that there is enough to build up a queue. It also helps identify the questions that a person is likely able to cast the appropriate close vote (or leave open) on without guessing about technologies one is less familiar with.
Instead of clicking on the review and just getting at the queue with that little filter link at the top, one instead is taken to a filter selection page where one can build up the appropriate filter to work from.
You could select wedges from the pie chart, or select them from the list on the side. Furthermore, there would also be a place to enter other tags.
Additionally, there would be a breakdown by close reason that one can select to build up the appropriate filter.
With both tags and close reasons, a question can fall into multiple spots. For the purposes of this, show it in both tags or reasons.
Upon completing all the reviews for the day, show the information again, and allow them user to see the impact on the tags and reasons they chose. This is the reward - not a badge or something, but a visible impact on the size of their corner of the queue.
One of the things this may help do - by presenting this information - is hep engage the various tag communities around the site to go and work on the review queue for their tag. Seeing that some tag went from 3894 questions in the queue to 3563 in the last day may help.
Allowing a person to go and address just the off topic - recommend or off topic - migration (note, those are time sensitive) -- or even just 'off topic').
Of course there should still be a 'just take me to the queue' (and one can still set up the filter in the queue that way). The key is to show the impact of what they have done to the queue in a way that is meaningful and not overwhelming.
A mockup to give an idea of what I'm thinking about. Don't look too deeply into the numbers, they are more as an example.
You hit your standard 'review' link to get to the close review queue. Instead of taking you right to the reviews, you get a page of stats that lets you see what is in the queue and modify the filter.
Note the 'Other' box at the bottom which has the same functionality as the 'tag' input that one can get from the current filter link.
I should also point out that the 'Review!' link can be clicked on without setting up any filters if you want to just "take me to the queue" and tackle whatever is there or use the old filter style setup.
You go through, you do your reviews and then you have a page that shows the queue once you've exhausted your tag or your reviews for the day.
Thats really what its about. Make it easy to set up the filter of things you are likely able to review, make it easy to see what effect you have had on the queue when you are complete with the review.