This is not a factual question of what I can do: this answer lists the tools nicely.
It is more a question of how to behave based on the past experiences of those who've been 'over the top' longer.
If I understand correctly I have the ability to find questions potentially deserving of action more easily but does anyone have any advice on how to exercise the deletion ability.
Since I'm new to these heady heights I'll avoid going power crazy (for now ;)) but indications of how I can use this trust to help the site (perhaps by spotting questions that should be flagged to moderators faster) would help.
As I write this question I believe that there are 250 10K+ users (many recent) so there's a few of us that might benefit from it.
To clarify this request details asking to put this sort of into into an easily available message on reaching the threshold. What I'm looking for is the info I couldn't find a question/answer with that. None seems to be linked to on the question either.