I was participating to a bounty with another user.

we both have 2 upvote and 0 downvote.

Sadly none of us find a solution.

According to bounty documentation:

the highest voted answer created after the bounty started with a minimum score of 2 will be awarded half the bounty amount. If there's no answer meeting those criteria, the bounty is not awarded to anyone.

The other user took is half reward and I didn't. Do I miss something?


Thanks did not find this page...

Now the question is: why the complete bounty info are only on meta and not on the official bounty help page ?

  • It states on the FAQ page that: If two or more eligible answers have the same score (if their scores are tied), the oldest answer is awarded the bounty. Commented Nov 20, 2013 at 12:13
  • @MartijnPieters cannot find on the faq page
    – giammin
    Commented Nov 20, 2013 at 12:28
  • Regarding your new question: the meta faq post is maintained by ordinary users like you and me. It's not official. The information there is of course monitored and is usually correct, but still does not come from SE employees. It comes to add to the official information and explain it, not replace it. Commented Nov 20, 2013 at 12:29
  • @ShaWizDowArd maybe they should be linked from official documentation
    – giammin
    Commented Nov 20, 2013 at 12:31
  • @giammin too risky in my opinion. There is always a chance spammer will make his way through and corrupt a faq post - or even more likely, user with only 100 rep who rage quit can edit such faq to something horrible and until someone else spot and fix this, it's messed up. Commented Nov 20, 2013 at 12:35

1 Answer 1


When a bounty is not manually awarded, the system will automatically award half the bounty amount to one answer.

This is what happened.

The tie breaker between the two answers is the answer date - earlier one gets it.

From How does the bounty system work?:

If two or more eligible answers have the same score (if their scores are tied), the oldest answer is awarded the bounty.


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