On some posts I have noticed that the wrong tags have been used. e.g. routing
instead of url-routing
.... The former applies to network routing and it totally separate from the latter.
However, if I've edited these tags as a suggestion sometimes they have been rejected with the reason This edit is too minor; suggested edits should be substantive improvements addressing multiple issues in the post
and this has sometimes caused it to fail the group vote and the edit was rejected.
To me this is more than minor for the edit to be rejected and this answer supports this: Should just tag edits to questions be rejected?
I guess this could be because the reviewer doesn't understand the differences in the meanings of the tags. Is this an education issue for both the OP and the reviewer... should the site somehow make the tag descriptions more prominent so they are more likely to be read? Or could there be some sort of did you mean?
prompt for tags of similar names but in different categories (if such categories exist)?