Recently I asked a question in stack overflow about creating an HTML5 report designer .The current reporting services (crystal reports,Xtra reports) etc creates reports at server side.Since this process consumes too much resource most we applications will have a separate report server.With so much development going on in HTML5 I think someone might have already succeeded in pushing the report generation to client side.I tried googling for hours but could not find an example and thats when I placed the question in stackoverflow.In fact I was asking for any open source library or examples but the question was voted down and put on hold.I edited the part asking for a library after that but still its voted down. The link to question is here .
I think the new users of stackoverflow will become frustrated with overcomplicated rules.The main purpose of asking something in stackoverflow is to find answers to something related to technologies .The moderators or users with high points might find some questions off topic but these questions might in fact be very useful to many other users. For eg : this question here is closed as off topic but it have got high number of votes.
Going forward is there any chance of creating another site in network where users can ask opinions about technologies or reference to unknown libraries ?