Picture pages! Picture pages! Time to get your picture pages!
... time to get your crayons and your pencils!
That's right, it's time to realize that you're simply not going to get anything meaningful accomplished this week, and your time would be better rewarded by joining in on the last of three end-of-the-year mini-contests for Stack Overflow swag!
The final challenge:
Create an original hand drawn illustration of any Stack Exchange community, or a depiction of participating in any Stack Exchange community. You can use Paint, Photoshop or real crayons and paper, the only requirement is that the finished product must be free hand, and must be under 5MB in size. You may use small existing elements (a tag, icon, etc) - the overwhelming majority of your entry should be drawn by you.
You're free to incorporate any related elements into your drawing, such as (but not limited to):
- Unicorns
- One-armed dragons
- Ponies
- Mythical lords of the abyss
- ... anything else that you'd like
Your final product should be easy enough to view directly within your answer; the image should link directly to the larger version if applicable.
Submissions must begin with a title of up to 60 characters that (at a minimum) states the community that inspired your work (e.g. Stack Overflow), more creativity is strongly encouraged in the title (e.g The night before ponies — Stack Overflow)
One paragraph (350 chars or less) is permitted to provide context below your image, and may contain inline links to explain any memes depicted.
A good example is this awesome mural by Pekka, which inspired this contest.
The grand prize:
The top three entries as determined by net up-vote counts will win the following items:
- Stack Overflow T-Shirt
- Stack Overflow Mug
- A Stack Overflow padfolio, for future doodling endeavors
- Pens (3), retractable sharpies (2), stickers (assortment of 10)
Two runners-up will receive a Stack Overflow T-Shirt and an assortment of stickers.
The rules:
- Entry must be your own original work, created on or after December 26, 2013
- No more than two entries per person (deleted entries do not count)
- Changing the image after the initial edit grace period is prohibited and will disqualify the entry, but editing the title or paragraph is allowed.
- Employees are welcome to participate, but aren't eligible to win prizes. Y'all can get this stuff on request and your entry might knock a community entry out of the running
- A tie for a winning entry causes each entry with the same score to win
- Score is determined by total upvotes received, downvotes do not count.
- Entries must be received by Monday, December 30, 2013 at 16:00 UTC
Now get started!
Note: please make sure you have a working email that you actually check rather frequently associated with your account if you enter, this ensures that all prizes can be awarded quickly. Thanks!
And the winners are ....
Grand Prize
- Unicorn Dollars by Pëkka (Score 60)
- How to cause an apocalypse, or, Atlas visits Stack Overflow by Mr. Peanut Monopoly McManish (Score 30)
- The Guardian Unicorn Of Meta Stack Overflow by Undo The Snowman (Score 21)
- More Please! by ChristopherW (Also score 21)
Runners Up
- Lounge<C++> the best, the funniest, the coolest SO chatroom in teh worldz! by BartoszKP (Score 20)
- Stack Overflow - Professionals at work by juergen d (Score 18)
You'll get an email from me with a link to a form where you can provide your size and shipping information, I plan on shipping this stuff before the end of the week.
Thank you, again, to everyone that made this contest as fun as it was. We've now got some awesome artwork to decorate the meta halls in 2014!
P.S. - If you enjoyed, or absolutely hated these contests, please reach out to me and let me know, my email address is in my profile. This year was a test to see how well they would be received and contained, and I think it went pretty well. We'll have time to put more thought into them next year, and come up with more creative ideas for things we could do. Still - feedback is appreciated, even if you can't muster much more than get off my lawn.
Happy New Year To All!