Jon Skeet was at 95,917 rep on SO just now. What would be an appropriate power to grant him when he reaches 100,000?
(Similar to What happens when Jon Skeet’s reputation exceeds the limit for the data type holding it?)
Jon Skeet was at 95,917 rep on SO just now. What would be an appropriate power to grant him when he reaches 100,000?
(Similar to What happens when Jon Skeet’s reputation exceeds the limit for the data type holding it?)
A Hall of Fame badge would be a nice.
How about the ability to hide exact rep, changing it to just display "Lots"?
In all seriousness, I wouldn't want any time or energy spent on this - at least not for the next year or so. In a year's time we might almost be into double digits for 100K users... I'm sure there are better things Jeff and the team can do with their time1.
1Like buying and reading C# in Depth multiple times.
If 10k allows you to see deleted posts, maybe 100k should allow you to see posts that haven't been posted yet. Not sure how you'd code it, though ;-p
All your base?
(Obviously they are belong to us already really, but this would just make it formal.)
A big red button that executes a DROP DATABASE StackOverflow
statement on the database.
I agree with TheTXI, the only level that is left is moderator, and I do not think completely moderator power should be gained simply based on achieving a certain level of reputation. Moderators have powers needed to oversee the site, and I cannot imagine giving that authority blindly to people of a certain reputation level. As you gain rep you can vote to close questions, but moderators can close with one (among other things) and that to me is a power that the SO team should be in control of, not the rep system. The rep system works well, but it is not flawless; eventually someone would reach 100k that could seriously hurt the site.
100.000 points should give you bragging rights.
The only real power that users at 10k don't already have are those that we moderators have, and I doubt there is any point level you would wan them to attain before being granted those.
shares of stock in the company?
The ability to create one new badge that he gets to define the "achievement rules" for. This would be subject to moderator approval, of course.
Isn't it enough that they get to see the SO kill screen, do you want a Steve Wiebe badge too?
To flag an accepted answer to questions abandoned by the poster.