I'm thirteen years old (yes I was twelve when I signed up, but I had my parents make my account on my behalf and did not post any personal information, which I believe is legal :-P), and I am very passionate about programming. I have some questions regarding young programmers, and I'm wondering where to ask.
First I want to note a few things, before you say "nowhere; this doesn't fit with the q&a format" (which I do quite a bit :-P):
I have a specific problem. I'm not going to ask "what should I do now;" there are specific things I want to know. For example, "how can a young programmer do xxx."
My question applies to a general audience. I'm not going to ask "I've done xxx and want xxx, should I do xxx;" rather, it will apply to all young programmers in general.
Here are the sites I might ask it on:
Programmers: I've considered asking here. I've seen the famous Venn diagram with "all people," "all careers," "all programmers," and "just you," and I believe that if I make my question general enough, it can apply to all young programmers. A question like this seems to be on-topic according to their "what can I ask" guidelines. However, their description says
Programmers Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professional programmers interested in conceptual questions about software development.
It's not really about software development, and I'm certainly not professional, so that gives me doubts about asking there.
The Workplace: I'm not sure about this one... it's not really about work, but I suppose it could be in a kind of abstract way ("the work of programming" or something). This seems like the wrong site though.
Something else? Is there a better site perhaps?
Where on the SE network should I ask this, if at all? Or is this just not suitable to SE in general and I should find somewhere else to ask?