Some people don't like to give their real personal data on the internet. Stack Exchange is nice about it. You need to have a user name (if you don't fill up something, you'll have this ugly auto-name with your id inside), but you don't have to give anything else.
However, some people, instead of being anonymous or provide real data, fill the profile with fake data. Sometimes they post photos of people other than they. It's a kind of role playing game, where you build your virtual identity of someone in different age, living in different country, sometimes even of different sex.
What is the position of the community to such role playing? I know that SE team has no restriction to filling up profile, as long as it's not offensive, spam or copyright violation. But what the majority of community members think? Is it rude to provide misleading data, or it's just an online game?
I think that in sites such as SO, Travel or Workspace it's nice to know with whom you are writing, especially if people give answers based on personal experience. The personal experience of small, young woman and 2x2 heavy metal fan are completely different when it comes to travelling alone in Mexico, for example.
However, on sites such as Arqade creating virtual profile of 2x2 giant by tiny girl can be a part of site culture.