Twice now, I've gone to, explored the grid as I middle-clicked things that looked interesting, then moved my eyes up to the tab-bar to discover that I wasn't clicking <a>
elements, but *checks*—ah, <div>
s with attached JavaScript.
I realize the current model expects that users will click the bubble, get some information, then visit the site, but some people use a "click-in-advance" browsing model, if you will. Personally, I find the need to click two elements to open the site annoying and extremely distracting.
As such, I have no idea if this would be possible (or how easy it would be), but it'd be cool if the buttons were middle-clickable and displayed more info on left-click. I expect this would probably be accomplished via a curious menagerie of <a>
and PreventDefault
(I think), but if done right, it'd let browsers like Lynx
work properly with the page (and I personally use Dillo
a lot myself, I might add), and it'd also mean mobile browsers would properly popup an "open in new tab" menu on long-press.