I often see comments like:
possible duplicate of XXXX May 27 '13 at 0:35
@abc Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for.
The question is then left with 1 close vote.
When I review the question in the close queue, as the question has no answers etc and the “owner” has confirmed the “possible duplicate” is correct, I just vote to close as a duplicate without even checking if it is.
There must be a way to prompt the question owner to confirm the duplicate is correct and at least capture 1 close vote from the owner – maybe that vote should be binding, so that no one else need to close vote the given question.
Maybe there should me a message displayed only to the question owner at top of the question like.
This question may already have an answer here:
Grant the OP a binding close as duplicate vote in the new UI 3 answers
Does this fully answer your question? [Yes] / [No]
Perhaps, suggesting that the user can improve their question by providing additional details if they chose [No]. Maybe the question owner could also be given +2 rep in the same way as when they accept an answer.
I don't consider Grant the OP a binding close as duplicate vote in the new UI to be a duplicate as I am asking a wider question,however some of its answers add to the discussion on this question.
<URL of the dupe>
): 'Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for'". Note it's important to provide both the dupe URL and OP quote in flag message, to save a mod actioning the flag from extra thinking