Is it a good idea [to create a community wiki of an often asked question]?
I will answer that in general terms; usually no. The key reason you have established for creating this wiki is that the question is asked a lot. As reasons for asking it one more time that isn't great. But I would consider 4 scenarios
Existing questions are poorly written and no good answers exist
In this case I would edit the best of the existing questions into shape and add an answer to that question. This can then become the duplicate target from now on
Existing questions are poorly written but good answers exist
Take the question with the best answer and edit its question into shape. If good answers are spread over several questions then request a merge (flag the question using an "other" flag explaining why a merge would be appropriate).
Existing questions are good and have good answers
Great, this is the duplicate target
Existing questions are all not useful because they all point at this key problem but are highly specific
This is a case where a self answer of the general case may well be useful. Frankly I don't care either way if you make it a community wiki; my opinion is that if you've done the work to create an excellent resource you deserve the rep from it.