I can understand how this turned out to be a useful question. On the other hand, by what I understand to be guidelines of what makes a question worthwhile, OP
- didn't seem to make any effort or do research of his own
- was rather vague
- this is in fact and title a "how to" question.
On the other hand, the question DID get 9 upvotes and NO down-votes. So I admit, I could be wrong.
Still, I feel this audit is at least misleading. Here again, Others may disagree.
But, I would like to have an option besides "I Understand".
Because I don't understand, and at present I don't agree.
I'd like to see a 2nd button like "I Disagree". While I may be wrong about this audit question being bad/misleading (good luck convincing me), but I feel that there should be a way to flag / challenge audit questions.
P.S., the audit question I'm pointing to is less important than the idea that I would like to be able to challenge them. I understand that making a good audit is hard and they're not perfect. That's why it benefits everyone to make the audits review-able.
P.P.S., please don't close this. Vote it up. The "original" that this is duplicate of is almost a year old. Time for this request to be made again. and again. and again.
For now, I'm going on close-review strike. AGAIN.