In this question someone thanked me for an edit, and I could have sworn that I responded. Later, I could not find my own comment, which only said "You're welcome." So I posted it (again?). Then I was wondering if it was removed by a moderator, and if such comments are discouraged, so I thought I would ask here for a straight answer.
The comment looks like this:
@TLP Thanks for the "\@"; that's an important fix. – chepner
You're welcome. – TLP
Personally, I think one should answer "thanks" with "you're welcome", because, well, that's just basic courtesy, and leaving that out makes me feel uncomfortable. And I would think that it also would be noticed by people who give thanks.
Also as a side note, if a comment is removed by moderator, it would be nice to be notified about it somehow, so as to clarify that I did something wrong, and what it was. (And why, preferably)
Update: To clarify, this is not a "long term" question, if someone deletes the comment a day or so later, and the person it was sent to has read it, that is fine.