I just thought I'd better weigh in... after a number of users flagged the post for moderator attention (for the record, I don't think the flags were by any of the people directly involved), I reviewed the thread. There was a clear and pointless edit/rollback war beginning focusing mainly on a spelling/casing of MATLAB vs Matlab. This was in both the question and in the answers.
When revisions start getting into double digits of revisions without adding any value it is just noise, distracting both the users involved, and everyone else who sees the question keep appearing at the top of the front page. It also affects the OP if the question goes "wiki" (the OP was not party to the edit war).
A very brief search showed that MATLAB is the correct casing, so I reverted to the most recent MATLAB versions and locked the top post to call an end to it. I also reverted the same in a number of the answers, but didn't bother locking them; I figured the message was clear enough.
As for "who moderates the moderators"; in part the community, in part each-other, and ultimately Jeff - I happily hold my actions up for inspection. I don't really follow what you mean by "about their own conduct"; but note that I had no personal interest / investment in that thread. Moderation is best done impartially.
Sigh. It seems one of the parties involved considered this action abuse bordering on subjugation. Again; to clarify - nobody was admonished; nobody was punished; nobody was told off; simply: the edit was abruptly terminated. I make no apology for "siding" one way or another. I do, however, regret the need for this entire thread - for the sake of the wasted time of the MSO readers. Of course, if we closed the thread that would somehow be wrong too - you can't win as a moderator.