i bought the colorful comment option with my hard earned unicoins because i thought the comments get more personality as promised. But all comments are colored equally. no sign of personality just uniformity.
That is a big fraud!!1!!one!eleven
i bought the colorful comment option with my hard earned unicoins because i thought the comments get more personality as promised. But all comments are colored equally. no sign of personality just uniformity.
That is a big fraud!!1!!one!eleven
No, it's your eyes that are a big fraud. The comments appear in rainbow colors to unicorns, but to humans they just appear to be the same color. I've spent many long days and nights searching for a solution, and I found this:
For only 20 unicoins, you can buy these glasses that will allow you to see the comments in color. They are handcrafted by artesian unicorns up in the snowy mountains. Enjoy!
«Made in China»
inscription, we can guess that the snowy mountains where unicorns live are in China.
They do have personality. It would simply seem that the personalities of the comments in your batch were conformist.