Unicoins have opened up a world of possibilities for SE users, instant answers, purchasable reputation, all of these changes have been long awaited and I'm happy to see that SE is listening to its users. Unfortunately, surely due to the huge demand, the payment portals are down and therefore I cannot pour my hard earned money into appearing more intelligent than I am. Please reopen the payment portals or accept my first born child in exchange for reputation!
2 Answers
Due to excessive traffic, the payment methods will not be back up and running until tomorrow!
Although, you CAN cheat the system a little bit.
Here are some steps:
- Employ a unicorn
- Feed said unicorn
- Feed the unicorn some more
- Try to pet the unicorn
- Apologize for crossing the bounderies of personal space
- Beg for forgiveness
- Ask for unicoins
- Get angry about unicorn not giving you unicoins
- Mug the unicorn, take his wallet, grab his unicoins.
- Run
Repeat if necessary.
As BeatAlex notes, high volume has caused problems for some of the systems involved with converting to and from Unicoins.
I want to reassure you that our payment processor - Pinochle Online eXchange - is still solvent and working hard to resolve these issues. There is ZERO truth to the rumors that their CEO spent their entire reserve of Unicoins on waffles.
What about unimplemented options? when will you be able to roll-out bacon payment services?– NecrolisCommented Apr 1, 2014 at 16:04
accept my first born child in exchange for reputation
- I accept. UPS ur kid