Number with blue background doesn't match two green +10s only. Am I missing something here or is it a bug?
2 Answers
If you check your reputation on your profile, on the graph you see a -2 on mar 26.
And 10 + 10 + -2 equals 18.
On his profile. Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 10:11
1"There were no net reputation changes on this day" is all I see.– BartCommented Apr 2, 2014 at 10:13
@GvS If you check the "show removed posts" box at the bottom, you'll see that a post of yours was downvoted that day which is now deleted. Weirdly, though, I don't see a corresponding "removed" event for that deletion. Actually, I can't see any "removed" events on your profile, only the regular events that occurred on those posts. Strange. Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 12:30
This is occurs when any user give the upvote then +10 and then again any one give the upvote thne +10.
After that any other user will give downvote it will become -18(+10+10-2) then it will show on blue part.
After that downvote remove his vote of downvote then it will not be seen on green part means. There will not be -2 or +2 points. But in the blue part there will remain -18 only.