I have been so annoyed recently by people who downvote my answers with no comments. Usually it falls into one of two categories
- The asker is asking a question that is inherently impossible or counter to the purpose of the thing they are asking about, like how do I use jQuery to (insert any horrific hack JavaScript coding practice jQuery is supposed to free us from). The answerer responds with a reasoned description of why that might be misguided and offers an alternative approach. Asker doesn't like that and downvotes the answer.
- A well meaning user posts a question, and Person A answers with a hastily written, insufficient, unreasoned, or maybe blatantly wrong answer. Person B sees this answer, comments on why it might be insufficient, and then answers with a proper, well-reasoned answer. Person A (presumably) sees this, gets angry, and downvotes Person B out of spite.
In both cases, of course, no helpful comment because all that would do is reveal how spiteful and/or vindictive the downvoting was.
I love Stack Overflow, but I am a busy person, so what little time I get to spend here, and what reputation I've earned, I've worked hard for, and I hope it adds to the value of the community at large ... but then someone comes along and chips away at my reputation out of spite, with no checks and balances?
If this goes on, what is my motivation for wanting to contribute to the community?
If I got downvoted with a reasonable comment, I would welcome that. That shows me something I may not have thought of, gives me an opportunity to improve my answer, and again add to the community.
Downvoting with no comment serves no purpose but to degrade the community.
I propose that downvotes with no comment not detract from the poster's reputation. And if that comment is something silly, and the comment gets flagged by someone else, the poster's reputation hit should be restored.