I'm going to piggy back off Make first draft of a new answer part of the permanent revision history but suggest that instead of having first drafts included in revision history, just change to a 5 minute demilitarized zone.
The way this would work is that any answers that have been submitted within 5 minutes of the question being asked can be answered, but won't be visible until that 5 minute period has expired. At this point, any submitted answers will be displayed and future changes become permanent revisions.
This will allow users the time to properly form their answer instead of competing for first answers. In addition, users will no longer be able to piggy back off other answers encouraging that each user form their own unique answer. Lastly, answers will be able to more fairly evaluated by the community.
The process would look something like:
- User submits question
- Community can begin submitting answers
- 5 minutes after the user has submitted their question, any answers will be displayed and any future changes to these answers will be part of the revision history of the answer