I often feel I need a degree to ask a question.
I was reading @Denis answer here: When is it justifiable to downvote a question?
This way of thinking is horrific. It's like (if you have seen the movie The Dictator) anything he does not like he would "do the hand gesture on the throat", and have people "taken care of" or killed.
Key points
- It's a question and answer
- It is NOT ask a question if you have researched the answer
- it's not do you have a degree in how to ask a question, where to ask etc...
- It does have an EDIT button, to improve question.
- It does have a good community who can modify the question a little better to help out the person asking a question.
Negative emotional effect
I would compare this with a traffic warden, giving a ticket to someone who parks for 2 minutes, to buy a bottle of water. Here are my thoughts:
- Parking restrictions are for people who park there for a long time and congestion the road so badly we need a system to improve it.
- it so not there to be absolutely STRICT
- Issuing a ticket (negative) does not help anyone:
- local community (the shop) loses business as people will not park anymore there as of fear of parking tickets
- a driver gets a huge fine for a (robot) person with no feelings and reasonable attitude towards another human and does not understand that parking is to help clear congestion not an opportunity to maximize profits.
Last notes:
Harmony comes from being free to ask, being encouraged to improve and how to improve. Sharing positive emotions with other people. The Fear and hate emotions from Darwin's evolution perspective is a mechanism to help us keep away the negative/bad experiences.
Here is an extreme example:
What if I was an old lady 75 year old, I want to spice up my life and learn how to code! I come across StackExcahnge or StackOverflow, I feel this is nice I ask a question (not a good question, according to dictators).
- Should we encourage this user to participate by guidance?
- Should we swear at her and tell her to never ever attempt?
- Should we laugh?
An alternative
Another way of doing things is to measure the relevance of the question using time dimension to conclude how likely other people are going to find this useful.
If it will attract 1 person a day, I think it's a successful and valid question should not be closed.
If however it attracts 1 users a month, it's a little useless question.
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiTz2i4VHFw
That is how our brain works, a simple close, or down vote system is a Fast, quick, irrational decision making.
If you continue as you do, if a user down votes or closes a question, is because of an opinion, and we all know opinions are good-for-nothing really, as wide spread as the question-in-question. Why shouldn't we require this person to do some research too, is this question ok, how many people may be interested in this, am I really right in down voting, why do we only require the person who asks a question to do their work.
I think knowledge shared is like a teacher, compliant, understands that some students learn quick, some take a little longer, some don't at all, some have difficulties.
This is a question to debate, the referenced ticket (above) and act as a petition to restore some negative, dictatorship way of thinking.
Ask yourself should we have a community which is a little bit more LAXed as described on the "negative emotional effect".
This is a community which by definition is the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.
If you want a welcoming, and positive community up-vote to vote yes and allow a more laxed community.
If you want to dictate, discourage, create a negative effect community and attract hyenas who laugh at your question or bully you or get a degree on how to ask a question down vote to vote for no and allow this dictating way of asking questions.
up vote,no
down vote, also I made this long on purpose a wellresearched
question, does not mean a good question, long is boring and people read between lines. short snappy questions can sometimes be better, open to more than one way of doing things. So it was by design done this way to demonstrate my argument.