Per ChrisF's answer, I am specifically requesting that parentheses ()
, brackets []
, and braces {}
be added to the white list of allowed characters for Display Names.
These are easily accessible from your standard keyboard, can't otherwise be used for nefarious purposes, and certainly are more innocuous than many of the Unicode characters that are allowed.
I thought of a really rather clever1 display name for my Stack Exchange account(s) and tried to change it. But I couldn't. Instead, I was offered this error:
• Display Name can only contain letters, digits, spaces, apostrophes or hyphens and must start with a letter or digit
Well, phooey.
Why such a restriction? I could see preventing, say, emoji, but I was prevented from adding parentheses. Parentheses seem fairly innocuous.
Can this please be changed?
1 Well, I certainly thought so. Others would disagree, I'm sure.
won't be a good idea. :PRobert'); DROP TABLE Moderators;