Currently, TAB in chat has one purpose, name completion. You type @seTAB and it would complete to @SecondRikudo
, awesome.
But there's a problem, TAB's default behavior is to change focus to another input, incidentally, the next input is the submit button for chat (the send button).
This is a problem when the tab completion doesn't resolve, or is too slow to respond, because if you mispelled @seTAB and instead typed @srTAB, the result would be that you type @sr
, and then move away to the send button. From now on, three things might happen:
- You may notice the error, an SHIFT+TAB back to the textarea (or use the mouse) to correct the error, and keep on chatting.
- You hit backspace, in which case you would actually be pressing the back button in the browser.
- You hit space, which would send your errorenous
to the room.
In light of this, I want to suggest to disable TAB's default behavior as a navigational key, only when focus is found on the textarea.