As a moderator, when I access any user's profile I am greeted with the following menu at the top of the page:
When I click "edit" I am able to edit that user's profile. When I click "preferences" I am able to see and alter that user's preferences. When I click "flair" I see that user's flair. When I click "my logins" I see and can edit that user's login information. When I click "meta user" I am transferred to that user's meta profile, and similarly clicking "network profile" gives me that user's network profile.
What about "privileges"? If you've been following closely it should come as no surprise that when I click "privileges" I see my own privileges.
I know that a user's privileges can be accessed through the "mod" link, but mainly because of the inconsistency of the interface, I suggest that the "privileges" link should give that user's privilege information instead of my own.
(Spurred by Aziz Shaikh's comment below, this would appear to be exceedingly simple to fix/change. Instead of linking to /help/privileges
, link to /help/privileges/user/<id>
. The other links in the menu are generated from the user id, and reason suggests this one could be, too.)
and you are there. Reference:…