As a moderator I sometimes1 find myself needing to explain disassociation to a user, usually one who has tried to delete posts that he's belatedly realized are connected to him. It'd sure be handy if I could link to a page in the Help Center instead of explaining it anew each time. We have a page on how to delete an account, but not the less-drastic action of disconnecting a single post.
I understand that this is not something we want to encourage people to do willy-nilly, as it must be done by an SE employee (we mods can't do it) and that's a hassle. But I don't think having a page in the Help Center will, by itself, cause a surge of requests.
I'll propose some language here in an effort to help out and not just ask for things. Use it or not as you see fit.
While this request comes from the "insider" knowledge of the solution, disassociation, I'm writing the topic from the "outsider" perspective, which is closer to "aiieeeee, I shouldn't've posted that!".
(I've belatedly become aware of this post, but mine is a little more specific so I'm posting it anyway.)
1 Three times this week, though fortunately that's unusually frequent.
I've thought better of my question; can I delete it?
You may have had second thoughts about a question you've asked. Maybe you don't want your coworkers to see that question about job-hunting, or you don't want certain family members to see just how much of an expert you've become on video games when they thought you were focusing on school. We get it; Stack Exchange makes it easy to get good answers to your questions, so naturally you asked.
If your question has answers, though, it's not fair to the people who wrote them for you to delete your question. They put effort into helping you and even if you no longer want the answers, somebody else might. This is why the system prevents you from deleting answered questions most of the time, and it's also why if you flag to request deletion the flag will probably be declined.
However, you can request that a post you've made (question or answer) be disassociated from your account. This means it will remain on the site, but it will no longer be attributed to you. It won't show up on your profile, it won't have your name on it, and you won't get any reputation from it. (You also won't be able to accept an answer later, because it's no longer your question, so do that now if you want to.) Disassociation is irreversible, so make sure this is what you want.
To request disassociation, use the "contact us" link at the bottom of the page. In the form, say you want to disassociate a post and include the URL.
While disassociation is permitted, this is meant to be an exception, not a routine action. Please be respectful of people's time and do not abuse this. A pattern of posting rashly and requesting disassociation, over and over again, could lead to suspension.