I can't believe that no one has ever asked this. I really want to find a duplication.

From "What topics can I ask about here?" of:

Word choice and usage
Etymology (history of words’ development)
Dialect differences
Pronunciation (phonetics and phonology, dialectology)
Spelling and punctuation

Word choice and usage
Dialect differences
Spelling and punctuation
Practical problems you encounter while learning English

You see, most of the questions in ELL can be covered in the ELU. Why don't we merge them into one? Just add the "Practical problems you encounter while learning English" topic to the ELU. Isn't the combination will make the site serve the community better? And where should I ask if I have a problem in the bold topics?


2 Answers 2

  • ELL is effectively an English 101 site, definitely suitable for new learners of English, non-native speakers
  • ELU is for more proficient users of English, native speakers, students of English

That's pretty much the way I view them.

  • 5
    Which doesn't really explain anything. From what I've seen, which questions belong on which site seem entirely arbitrary. People ask complex grammar questions on ELL (presumably because they are learning) but then since it's a complex grammar question, it should be on ELU. But then sometimes it turns out they DID ask it on ELU and got punted to ELL for no discernible reason. In the end, I looked up this question wondering what the difference was and after viewing several discussions, my conclusion is nobody really knows.
    – JamieB
    Commented Sep 9, 2016 at 19:00
  • Interesting that is your perception. I see them as very different. Could be because I am a native speaker. "No discernible reason" is how you see it, but for the ELU community it is usually obvious. Usually.
    – Rory Alsop
    Commented Sep 9, 2016 at 19:38
  • I find it strange that they did this with the English site, yet every request to do it with Stack Overflow gets shut down extremely hard. Commented Nov 19, 2017 at 14:57

This question is duplicated, as I expected. Thanks to Fish Below the Ice.

My proposal for this is changing the ELL guidance to this:

Basic word choice and usage 
Basic grammar
Basic dialect differences
Basic Spelling and punctuation
Practical problems you encounter while learning English

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