I've written a script to do just this:
$('.flag-row a').each(function() {
var user = $(this);
var userId = user.attr('href').match(/\d+/)[0];
$.get('/help/privileges/user/' + userId, function(data){
var privRe = /<div class="privilege-table-row " data-href="\/help\/privileges\/([a-z-]+)">/g, priv = null, privs = [];
while (priv = privRe.exec(data)) {
user.text(user.text() + ' [' + privs.map(function(p) {
return ({
trusteduser: 'delete',
moderatortools: 'delete(ish)',
edit: 'edit',
closequestions: 'close',
votedown: 'downvote',
comment: 'comment'
})[p.replace('-', '')];
}).join(' ').trim() + ']');
And here's a minified and userscript-ified version (make sure you replace YOURSITE
with the site you're a mod on in the header):
// ==UserScript==
// @name Show privileges in flag queue
// @grant none
// @match *://YOURSITE.stackexchange.com/admin/dashboard
// ==/UserScript==
var userscript = function($) {
$(".flag-row a").each(function(){var a=$(this),b=a.attr("href").match(/\d+/)[0];$.get("/help/privileges/user/"+b,function(b){for(var e=/<div class="privilege-table-row " data-href="\/help\/privileges\/([a-z-]+)">/g,c=null,d=[];c=e.exec(b);)d.push(c[1]);a.text(a.text()+" ["+d.map(function(a){return{trusteduser:"delete",moderatortools:"delete(ish)",edit:"edit",closequestions:"close",votedown:"downvote",comment:"comment"}[a.replace("-","")]}).join(" ").trim()+"]")})});
var el = document.createElement('script');
el.type = 'text/javascript';
el.text = '(' + userscript + ')(jQuery);';
You can save it as something.user.js
and then drag it into Chrome's chrome://extensions
page (drag'n'drop may or may not work in other browsers).
Here's a screenshot (link only viewable to mods, because it contains sekrits).
Unfortunately, it won't work on meta sites due to same-origin policy, but that's okay because meta flags are pretty rare anyway.
It also doesn't work on comment flags, since you can't see the flagger of a comment.