Instead of telling me to Click here to refresh the page, please just do it automatically for me. Preferably by just saying logging you in as pictured below, so the user knows they are about to have the page refreshed.
According to this answer, the reason we don't already have this feature is because if you open a link to a post, it would supposedly be annoying to have the page refresh while you already started reading the post. However, I don't find this to be the case, since the banner itself is kind of annoying, especially when it just sits there until you click on it or click to go to another page on that site. Also, if you go to an answer link, it blocks the top part of the answer as shown below. So that seems to be a bug.
So please just implement this to save users clicks and mouse movements. It would be much more user friendly in my opinion, especially for users who are members of many SE sites.