Why my topN percentile is not updated in careers? Here i'm in 4% (10%) for scala, but on careers page - i'm still in 20%.


1 Answer 1


Both comments are correct. Let me clarify a little:

  • The data explorer query in your question gives your top placement relative to all users with a non-null total score in the scala tag: you're top 4%

  • The data explorer query in your comment gives your top placement relative to all users with a total score greater than 5 in the scala tag: you're top 11% (here your are competing only against users with a higher score)

  • The top % shown in your Careers profile is your placement relative to all Careers users with a linked SO account and a total score greater than 5: you're top 11%. It is the same % as the previous case, but that's just because the Careers users are rather representative of the SO users for this tag.

Careers rounds the top % to the higher multiple of 10: you can be either top 10%, top 20% or top 30% (if higher than that, it is not displayed).

So even though your real placement is 11%, it shows as top 20%.

As en encouragement, your total score in scala is 116, and the current threshold to be top 10% is 138. You're getting there ;)

  • yeah :). is it possible to replace original version with my changed script somehow? because i found several questions that use original query.
    – user276299
    Commented Dec 12, 2014 at 4:16
  • It's not possible to replace the original query afaik. The link would have to be updated in these questions Commented Dec 12, 2014 at 5:46

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