I know the question-ban system was recently revised to help users who got stuck in ban but have the potential to progress.
What is the reasoning behind limiting "recidivists" to post one question per week?
But as a question-banned user for more than three months, I don't know how to benefit from this policy, I asked a similar question on StackOverflow but yet received no answer.
As I understood from this post, I need to delete my current account and create a new account to have the chance of asking one question per week; However, I am a question-banned user not answer-banned, I don't know whether my questions will be deleted or both questions and answers!
By the way I tried to improve my questions but for some reasons I think the mechanism for reevaluation them is absent or weak or slow (or maybe I don't know it?). Specially if the questions be neutral (neither bad nor good) improving them doesn't gain much votes (few are above 4, most have zero score and the score of other ones varies between +1 and -1!). If that is the only way to leave the ban then I can figure out a deadlock situation for such users.
Meanwhile I tried to answer questions (76 so far) and help the site by flagging and editing, however I am not sure how much they are effective to leave a question-ban.
I don't know if it's a good idea to restate my questions in the previous post here or not, but since I need to get an answer for them, I am asking them here:
I would like to use the chance of asking one question per week, yet use my current credentials. So if this is an option, how can I make use of it?
Beside, I don't know why they mentioned this option, but if it is a chance for a banned user, is it possible that they provide it without the need to create another account? And Is it possible that I keep some of my current questions or answers?
Generally, what does the system offer to users who got stuck in the ban prior the time of applying new policies? How can they benefit from the new policies?