I accidentally uploaded an image in chat that contained some personal information. I deleted the chat message, but would like delete the image from SE's servers entirely. I've seen this question, with an answer that says because "the account belongs to SE, not you" I cannot delete an image.

However, because this image contains personal information, it really must be deleted. How can I go about doing so?


2 Answers 2


Flag it for moderator attention, and explain why you need it removed. Specifically, explain why just editing it out or deleting the post isn't good enough. If you've uploaded the image but it isn't present in a post and you still want it removed, flag any of your own posts for moderator attention and include the URL of the image you need to be removed.

If your explanation for the moderator indicates that there's a valid need, they'll pass it on to a staff member & they'll nuke it.

Standard disclaimer: There are no guaranteed take-backs on the 'Net. If you post your password, change it immediately. If you post something of someone else's that you weren't supposed to, apologize to them. If you're hoping to re-write your own past, get over it and write a better future instead.

  • 1
    RE: "If you're hoping to re-write your own past, get over it and write a better future instead." Excellent advice!!! This also applies to so many who have been bullied over something online as well, though it might be said with a bit more sensitivity in that case. ;)
    – Chiramisu
    Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 19:34
  • Are images already uploaded when they are shown as preview and before clicking "Add image" button ? (i guess not)
    – user539860
    Commented May 25, 2019 at 11:42
  • 2
    Not uploaded until you hit add, @intika
    – Shog9
    Commented May 25, 2019 at 15:47
  • 3
    Is there a script that automatically checks for images that are not in any posts (removed by editing) and purges the images from the server automatically?
    – user805262
    Commented May 21, 2021 at 0:04

Shog9 was willing and able to delete it for me following this chat conversation

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