The recent user profile tab name change - from "activities" to "all actions" - was not accompanied by a hyperlink update from ...?tab=activities...
to ...?tab=allactions...
Click on the "posts edited" link to see the 404-error.
The recent user profile tab name change - from "activities" to "all actions" - was not accompanied by a hyperlink update from ...?tab=activities...
to ...?tab=allactions...
Click on the "posts edited" link to see the 404-error.
Yeah, this was an oversight (as was the other link breakage that Shog9 commented about).
The "all activities" tab is back to using "tab=activity" on the URL, so those links will work the same way they always did, and I've updated the link on the impact box to go there.
(not as many as to ?tab=activity