I suggested an edit (for the tag wiki and the tag excerpt) for the special tag [untagged], on the Super User site.
The first reviewer of both of these suggested edits approved my suggestion. But later on, a message in the suggested edit review report is shown like "This item is no longer reviewable.". Moreover, in the overview within "all actions", with subtab "suggestions", the two rows for each of these suggestion now display a rejected status, as shown here:
15h suggested rejected edit on
15h suggested rejected edit on
Moreover, as shown above, it doesn't show any more which tag these suggestion were about.
Here are my questions about all this:
- Why did this happen, i.e. what might be the reasons to actually delete that 'special' tag? Or should I rather say hide it for users with insufficient reputation (similar to posts that are marked deleted, but which are actually only hidden for anybody with less than 10K reputation)?
- I seem to understand this specific tag is 'special', because of what I learned about this tag on other sites also: the system 'needs' it, for cleanup purposes, etc., as also documented in the same tag in mostly every other site. How can this specific site now continue to perform these cleanup operations?
- Is it really the right thing to do to consider these two edits as "rejected" edits for me? There have only been approves for my suggested edits ... How nice ...
These questions seem to somehow be related, though I think they are not the same:
Here are some more updates to provide more details/background of my question (inspired by some of the answers/comments to it, before they get deleted again):
I did not create that untagged tag (it already existed). Moreover, creating a tag requires a 300 reputation. I only have like 100 on that site.
On that site, I have not asked any questions, answered anything or commented. So that, IMHO, proofs that the tag was already created before I suggested the edit. If not, how could I possibly have a link to "suggest an edit" for it?
I'd be interested to get some info where "I" can see anything related to the creation of that tag at 22:20:07. Because I really don't see how I can have "created" it.
About "they are both created the same time": I only "submitted" one single tag edit suggestion, which included both the "excerpt" and the "tag wiki".