I wanted to know more about where in the world Stack Overflow users come from.

Is there any way I could get more data for this?
Are there any more maps or charts to further identify where users are coming from across the world?
How could I go about generating my own maps or charts?

Note: The original statistics and images provided with this question in 2009 are available in the revision history.


1 Answer 1


I ran this query to gather data on all Stack Overflow users with over 1000 reputation.

That got a total of 4,711 unique locations for 48,924 users. Of those 48,924 users, 13,138 did not list a location. Of the remaining 35,786 users, I manually inputted the country for 28,490 (almost 80%), which is the 437 most input locations, and also all locations with over 10 users reporting it.

In the spirit of the original, I generated both the raw user count, and the per capita (using population data from Gap Minder which I already had compiled elsewhere).

Top 10 Lists

By User Count

  1. United States (9,592)
  2. United Kingdom (2,906)
  3. India (2,005)
  4. Germany (1,461)
  5. Canada (1,397)
  6. Australia (1,260)
  7. France (724)
  8. Sweden (637)
  9. Russian Federation (447)
  10. Poland (439)

By Per Capita Usage (per million population)

  1. New Zealand (70.8)
  2. Sweden (70.4)
  3. Australia (61.2)
  4. Norway (58.3)
  5. Israel (57.7)
  6. Ireland (48.1)
  7. United Kingdom (47.7)
  8. Denmark (47.2)
  9. Switzerland (45.4)
  10. Estonia (42.8)

World by User Count

World by User Count

World by Per Capita Users

World by Per Capita Users

Europe by User Count

Europe by User Count

Note: This map uses the same color scale as the world map

Europe by Per Capita Users

Europe by Per Capita Users

Note: This map uses the same color scale as the world map

Asia by User Count

Asia by User Count

Note: This map uses the same color scale as the world map

Asia by Per Capita Users

Asia by Per Capita Users

Note: This map uses the same color scale as the world map

Note: The following charts are done through automatic searching of state abbreviations and names from the full data set of over 1000 users. It is therefore prone to errors. It is also set on a different scale.

State by User Count

State by User Count

State by Per Capita Users

State by Per Capita Users

The following code will create a google geochart of the data with some interactivity. To figure out how to play with it, feel free to check out (I hear folks are helpful over in that tag):

function drawVisualization() {
  var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
  data.addColumn('string', 'Country');
  data.addColumn('number', 'Users');
  data.addColumn('number', 'Users per Capita');
    [{v:'AR', f:'Argentina'}, 124, 3],
    [{v:'AM', f:'Armenia'}, 13, 4.4],
    [{v:'AU', f:'Australia'}, 1260, 61.2],
    [{v:'AT', f:'Austria'}, 102, 12.4],
    [{v:'BD', f:'Bangladesh'}, 57, 0.4],
    [{v:'BY', f:'Belarus'}, 95, 9.2],
    [{v:'BE', f:'Belgium'}, 321, 30.9],
    [{v:'BA', f:'Bosnia and Herzegovina'}, 10, 2.2],
    [{v:'BR', f:'Brazil'}, 297, 1.5],
    [{v:'BG', f:'Bulgaria'}, 98, 13.5],
    [{v:'CA', f:'Canada'}, 1397, 41.5],
    [{v:'CL', f:'Chile'}, 20, 1.2],
    [{v:'CN', f:'China'}, 184, 0.1],
    [{v:'CO', f:'Colombia'}, 13, 0.3],
    [{v:'HR', f:'Croatia'}, 69, 15.4],
    [{v:'CZ', f:'Czech Republic'}, 194, 19],
    [{v:'DK', f:'Denmark'}, 259, 47.2],
    [{v:'EG', f:'Egypt'}, 53, 0.6],
    [{v:'EE', f:'Estonia'}, 56, 42.8],
    [{v:'FI', f:'Finland'}, 179, 34.1],
    [{v:'FR', f:'France'}, 724, 11.8],
    [{v:'GE', f:'Georgia'}, 33, 7.1],
    [{v:'DE', f:'Germany'}, 1461, 17.7],
    [{v:'GR', f:'Greece'}, 97, 9],
    [{v:'HU', f:'Hungary'}, 121, 12.2],
    [{v:'IS', f:'Iceland'}, 13, 42.7],
    [{v:'IN', f:'India'}, 2005, 1.8],
    [{v:'ID', f:'Indonesia'}, 36, 0.2],
    [{v:'IR', f:'Iran, Islamic Republic of'}, 70, 1],
    [{v:'IE', f:'Ireland'}, 200, 48.1],
    [{v:'IL', f:'Israel'}, 375, 57.7],
    [{v:'IT', f:'Italy'}, 317, 5.5],
    [{v:'JP', f:'Japan'}, 108, 0.8],
    [{v:'JO', f:'Jordan'}, 13, 2.1],
    [{v:'KR', f:'Korea, Republic of'}, 28, 0.6],
    [{v:'LV', f:'Latvia'}, 49, 21.8],
    [{v:'LB', f:'Lebanon'}, 23, 5.8],
    [{v:'LT', f:'Lithuania'}, 50, 14],
    [{v:'MK', f:'Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of'}, 11, 5.3],
    [{v:'MY', f:'Malaysia'}, 34, 1.3],
    [{v:'MT', f:'Malta'}, 16, 39.6],
    [{v:'MX', f:'Mexico'}, 51, 0.5],
    [{v:'NP', f:'Nepal'}, 36, 1.2],
    [{v:'NZ', f:'New Zealand'}, 294, 70.8],
    [{v:'NO', f:'Norway'}, 271, 58.3],
    [{v:'PK', f:'Pakistan'}, 144, 0.8],
    [{v:'PE', f:'Peru'}, 12, 0.4],
    [{v:'PH', f:'Philippines'}, 79, 0.9],
    [{v:'PL', f:'Poland'}, 439, 11.4],
    [{v:'PT', f:'Portugal'}, 78, 7.3],
    [{v:'RO', f:'Romania'}, 221, 9.9],
    [{v:'RU', f:'Russian Federation'}, 447, 3.2],
    [{v:'RS', f:'Serbia'}, 65, 6.4],
    [{v:'SG', f:'Singapore'}, 137, 29.7],
    [{v:'SK', f:'Slovakia'}, 61, 11.2],
    [{v:'SI', f:'Slovenia'}, 63, 31.4],
    [{v:'ZA', f:'South Africa'}, 187, 4.3],
    [{v:'ES', f:'Spain'}, 254, 6.3],
    [{v:'LK', f:'Sri Lanka'}, 59, 2.9],
    [{v:'SE', f:'Sweden'}, 637, 70.4],
    [{v:'CH', f:'Switzerland'}, 344, 45.4],
    [{v:'TW', f:'Taiwan, Province of China'}, 28, 1.2],
    [{v:'TH', f:'Thailand'}, 34, 0.5],
    [{v:'TR', f:'Turkey'}, 138, 1.9],
    [{v:'UA', f:'Ukraine'}, 256, 5.5],
    [{v:'AE', f:'United Arab Emirates'}, 16, 6],
    [{v:'GB', f:'United Kingdom'}, 2906, 47.7],
    [{v:'US', f:'United States'}, 9592, 31.6],
    [{v:'UY', f:'Uruguay'}, 29, 8.4],
    [{v:'VE', f:'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of'}, 12, 0.5],
    [{v:'VN', f:'Viet Nam'}, 23, 0.3],

  var dataUS = new google.visualization.DataTable();
  dataUS.addColumn('string', 'State');
  dataUS.addColumn('number', 'Users');
  dataUS.addColumn('number', 'Users per Capita');
    [{v:'AL', f:'Alabama'}, 74, 15.3],
    [{v:'AK', f:'Alaska'}, 24, 32.8],
    [{v:'AZ', f:'Arizona'}, 171, 26.1],
    [{v:'AR', f:'Arkansas'}, 30, 10.2],
    [{v:'CA', f:'California'}, 2213, 58.2],
    [{v:'CO', f:'Colorado'}, 346, 66.7],
    [{v:'CT', f:'Connecticut'}, 84, 23.4],
    [{v:'DE', f:'Delaware'}, 36, 39.3],
    [{v:'FL', f:'Florida'}, 384, 19.9],
    [{v:'GA', f:'Georgia'}, 217, 21.9],
    [{v:'HI', f:'Hawaii'}, 20, 14.4],
    [{v:'ID', f:'Idaho'}, 49, 30.7],
    [{v:'IL', f:'Illinois'}, 369, 28.7],
    [{v:'IN', f:'Indiana'}, 172, 26.3],
    [{v:'IA', f:'Iowa'}, 73, 23.7],
    [{v:'KS', f:'Kansas'}, 120, 41.6],
    [{v:'KY', f:'Kentucky'}, 59, 13.5],
    [{v:'LA', f:'Louisiana'}, 31, 6.7],
    [{v:'ME', f:'Maine'}, 31, 23.3],
    [{v:'MD', f:'Maryland'}, 180, 30.6],
    [{v:'MA', f:'Massachusetts'}, 480, 72.2],
    [{v:'MI', f:'Michigan'}, 220, 22.3],
    [{v:'MN', f:'Minnesota'}, 215, 40],
    [{v:'MS', f:'Mississippi'}, 17, 5.7],
    [{v:'MO', f:'Missouri'}, 147, 24.4],
    [{v:'MT', f:'Montana'}, 20, 19.9],
    [{v:'NE', f:'Nebraska'}, 55, 29.6],
    [{v:'NV', f:'Nevada'}, 44, 15.9],
    [{v:'NH', f:'New Hampshire'}, 56, 42.4],
    [{v:'NJ', f:'New Jersey'}, 169, 19.1],
    [{v:'NM', f:'New Mexico'}, 28, 13.4],
    [{v:'NY', f:'New York'}, 1323, 67.6],
    [{v:'NC', f:'North Carolina'}, 245, 25.1],
    [{v:'ND', f:'North Dakota'}, 8, 11.4],
    [{v:'OH', f:'Ohio'}, 269, 23.3],
    [{v:'OK', f:'Oklahoma'}, 69, 18.1],
    [{v:'OR', f:'Oregon'}, 275, 70.5],
    [{v:'PA', f:'Pennsylvania'}, 379, 29.7],
    [{v:'RI', f:'Rhode Island'}, 24, 22.9],
    [{v:'SC', f:'South Carolina'}, 68, 14.4],
    [{v:'SD', f:'South Dakota'}, 16, 19.2],
    [{v:'TN', f:'Tennessee'}, 103, 16],
    [{v:'TX', f:'Texas'}, 663, 25.4],
    [{v:'UT', f:'Utah'}, 206, 72.1],
    [{v:'VT', f:'Vermont'}, 22, 35.1],
    [{v:'VA', f:'Virginia'}, 294, 35.9],
    [{v:'WA', f:'Washington'}, 859, 124.5],
    [{v:'WV', f:'West Virginia'}, 15, 8.1],
    [{v:'WI', f:'Wisconsin'}, 178, 31.1],
    [{v:'WY', f:'Wyoming'}, 6, 10.4],
    [{v:'DC', f:'District of Columbia'}, 106, 167.6],

  var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data);
  // Set columns to [0,2] for Per Capita, [0,1] for Count

  var geochart = new google.visualization.GeoChart(
  geochart.draw(view, {
    backgroundColor: '#E5E5FF',
    datalessRegionColor: '#FFFFFF',
    // UN Region Codes, 142: Asia, 150: Europe, 021: North America, comment out for world view
    region: '142',
    width: 800,
    //height: 600,
    colorAxis: {
      minValue: 0,
      // Set to 70 for per capita, 10,000 for count
      maxValue: 70,
      // This is the range for min color code to max color code
      colors: ['#AAAAAA', '#000000']},

Disclaimer: There may be errors and stuff. Probably are. C'est la vie. Probably not indicative of where actual users unless users who do not share location are distributed the same as the users who do share location which I would find unlikely due to national identity and privacy concerns. This is only for SO, not for SU or the other sites. Your mileage may vary. Void where prohibited by law. Only valid in the continental 48 states. Speaking of states, I didn't even take a shot at recording users by state in the US. Sorry! But you can give it a shot.

Data Dump:

For the sake of those who may want to geocode in the future, here are the associations between the locations I hand-coded and the locations entered by users. All country codes are ISO-3166 alpha-2:

'United States', 'US';'United Kingdom', 'GB';'London, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Germany', 'DE';'India', 'IN';'San Francisco, CA', 'US';'Netherlands', 'ND';'Seattle, WA', 'US';'New York, NY', 'US';'California', 'US';'Bangalore, India', 'IN';'Israel', 'IL';'Canada', 'CA';'France', 'FR';'Sydney, Australia', 'AU';'Sweden', 'SE';'Australia', 'AU';'Toronto, Canada', 'CA';'Paris, France', 'FR';'Melbourne, Australia', 'AU';'Chicago, IL', 'US';'Berlin, Germany', 'DE';'Boston, MA', 'US';'Belgium', 'BE';'Austin, TX', 'US';'Switzerland', 'CH';'Poland', 'PL';'Italy', 'IT';'Moscow, Russia', 'RU';'Montreal, Canada', 'CA';'Stockholm, Sweden', 'SE';'New York, United States', 'US';'Brazil', 'BR';'Los Angeles, CA', 'US';'England, United Kingdom', 'UK';'Vancouver, Canada', 'CA';'Denmark', 'DK';'Portland, OR', 'US';'New Zealand', 'NZ';'Russia', 'RU';'Atlanta, GA', 'US';'Pune, India', 'IN';'Chennai, India', 'IN';'San Diego, CA', 'US';'Munich, Germany', 'DE';'Brisbane, Australia', 'AU';'Mumbai, India', 'IN';'Ukraine', 'UA';'Norway', 'NO';'Finland', 'FI';'South Africa', 'ZA';'Denver, CO', 'US';'Brooklyn, NY', 'US';'New Jersey', 'US';'Oslo, Norway', 'NO';'Dallas, TX', 'US';'Redmond, WA', 'US';'Dublin, Ireland', 'IE';'Philadelphia, PA', 'US';'Minneapolis, MN', 'US';'Pittsburgh, PA', 'US';'Vienna, Austria', 'AU';'Spain', 'ES';'Houston, TX', 'US';'Cambridge, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Mountain View, CA', 'US';'Ireland', 'IE';'Warsaw, Poland', 'PL';'Washington, DC', 'US';'Florida', 'US';'Ahmadabad, India', 'IN';'Prague, Czech Republic', 'CZ';'Austria', 'AT';'Hyderabad, India', 'IN';'San Jose, CA', 'US';'Manchester, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Bucharest, Romania', 'RO';'Ottawa, Canada', 'CA';'Boulder, CO', 'US';'St. Petersburg, Russia', 'RU';'Amsterdam, Netherlands', 'ND';'Auckland, New Zealand', 'NZ';'Istanbul, Turkey', 'TR';'Massachusetts', 'US';'Czech Republic', 'CZ';'Hamburg, Germany', 'DE';'Virginia', 'US';'Phoenix, AZ', 'US';'Utah', 'US';'Copenhagen, Denmark', 'DK';'Romania', 'RO';'Budapest, Hungary', 'HU';'Madrid, Spain', 'ES';'Barcelona, Spain', 'ES';'Singapore', 'SG';'Michigan', 'US';'Texas', 'US';'Tokyo, Japan', 'JP';'Kiev, Ukraine', 'UA';'Minnesota', 'US';'Buenos Aires, Argentina', 'AR';'Zurich, Switzerland', 'CH';'Europe', 'null';'Perth, Australia', 'AU';'Portugal', 'PT';'Philippines', 'PH';'Minsk, Belarus', 'BY';'Singapore, Singapore', 'SG';'Maryland', 'US';'Ohio', 'US';'Pennsylvania', 'US';'Columbus, OH', 'US';'London', 'GB';'Calgary, Canada', 'CA';'Edinburgh, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Earth', 'null';'Gothenburg, Sweden', 'SE';'Cambridge, MA', 'US';'Colorado', 'US';'Palo Alto, CA', 'US';'Salt Lake City, UT', 'US';'Baltimore, MD', 'US';'North Carolina', 'US';'Sofia, Bulgaria', 'BG';'Argentina', 'AR';'Bristol, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Wisconsin', 'US';'Raleigh, NC', 'US';'England', 'GB';'UK', 'GB';'Rochester, NY', 'US';'St Louis, MO', 'US';'Hungary', 'HU';'China', 'CN';'Lahore, Pakistan', 'PK';'Milan, Italy', 'IT';'Pakistan', 'PK';'Brussels, Belgium', 'BE';'New Delhi, India', 'IN';'Waterloo, Canada', 'CA';'Indianapolis, IN', 'US';'Shanghai, China', 'CN';'Glasgow, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Madison, WI', 'US';'Athens, Greece', 'GR';'Helsinki, Finland', 'FI';'Cape Town, South Africa', 'ZA';'Cologne, Germany', 'DE';'Sao Paulo, Brazil', 'BR';'Slovakia', 'SK';'Orlando, FL', 'US';'Nashville, TN', 'US';'Zagreb, Croatia', 'HR';'Bulgaria', 'BG';'Illinois', 'US';'Rome, Italy', 'IT';'Brighton, United Kingdom', 'GB';'London, UK', 'GB';'Cincinnati, OH', 'US';'Amsterdam, The Netherlands', 'ND';'Scotland, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Berkeley, CA', 'US';'Charlotte, NC', 'US';'Tehran, Iran', 'IR';'Tel Aviv, Israel', 'IL';'Greece', 'GR';'Ann Arbor, MI', 'US';'New York', 'US';'Tampa, FL', 'US';'Oregon', 'US';'Slovenia', 'SI';'Cleveland, OH', 'US';'Nottingham, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Beijing, China', 'CN';'Sunnyvale, CA', 'US';'Milwaukee, WI', 'US';'San Francisco Bay Area', 'US';'Leeds, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Sacramento, CA', 'US';'Japan', 'JP';'Wellington, New Zealand', 'NZ';'Kochi, India', 'IN';'Arizona', 'US';'Reading, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Turkey', 'TR';'Lyon, France', 'FR';'Mexico', 'MX';'Dhaka, Bangladesh', 'BD';'Egypt', 'EG';'Cluj-Napoca, Romania', 'RO';'Tallinn, Estonia', 'EE';'Adelaide, Australia', 'AU';'Wroclaw, Poland', 'PL';'Bellevue, WA', 'US';'Earth, TX', 'US';'Ontario, Canada', 'CA';'Karachi, Pakistan', 'PK';'Birmingham, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Colombo, Sri Lanka', 'LK';'Oxford, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Oakland, CA', 'US';'Las Vegas, NV', 'US';'Stuttgart, Germany', 'DE';'Lisbon, Portugal', 'PL';'USA', 'US';'Gurgaon, India', 'IN';'Richmond, VA', 'US';'Belarus', 'BY';'Delhi, India', 'IN';'Hong Kong', 'CN';'Kolkata, India', 'IN';'Noida, India', 'IN';'Connecticut', 'US';'Dresden, Germany', 'DE';'Belgrade, Serbia', 'RS';'Indiana', 'US';'Iran', 'IR';'Grand Rapids, MI', 'US';'Omaha, NE', 'US';'Victoria, Canada', 'CA';'Delhi', 'IN';'Edmonton, Canada', 'CA';'Miami, FL', 'US';'Irvine, CA', 'US';'Ghent, Belgium', 'BE';'Johannesburg, South Africa', 'ZA';'New Hampshire', 'US';'Sri Lanka', 'LK';'Thiruvananthapuram, India', 'IN';'Canberra, Australia', 'AU';'San Francisco', 'US';'Washington, United States', 'US';'Lithuania', 'LT';'Croatia', 'HR';'Karlsruhe, Germany', 'DE';'Delaware', 'US';'Utrecht, Netherlands', 'ND';'Serbia', 'RS';'Bremen, Germany', 'DE';'Ankara, Turkey', 'TR';'Brno, Czech Republic', 'CZ';'Quebec City, Canada', 'CA';'Eindhoven, Netherlands', 'ND';'Ljubljana, Slovenia', 'SI';'Arlington, VA', 'US';'Geneva, Switzerland', 'CH';'Provo, UT', 'US';'Jaipur, India', 'IN';'Vietnam', 'VN';'Bangladesh', 'BD';'Lausanne, Switzerland', 'CH';'Malmテカ, Sweden', 'SE';'Huntsville, AL', 'US';'British Columbia, Canada', 'CA';'Kharkiv, Ukraine', 'UA';'Aachen, Germany', 'DE';'Estonia', 'EE';'Lviv, Ukraine', 'UA';'Louisville, KY', 'US';'Ahmedabad', 'IN';'Trondheim, Norway', 'NO';'Malaysia', 'MY';'Ahmedabad, India', 'IN';'Hong Kong, Hong Kong', 'CN';'Santa Clara, CA', 'US';'Bangalore', 'IN';'Southampton, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Poznan, Poland', 'PL';'Iowa', 'US';'Liverpool, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Krakow, Poland', 'PL';'Kathmandu, Nepal', 'NP';'Indonesia', 'ID';'Kansas City, MO', 'US';'Santiago, Chile', 'CL';'Riga, Republic of Latvia', 'LV';'Thailand', 'TH';'Cracow, Poland', 'PL';'Buffalo, NY', 'US';'Cairo, Egypt', 'EG';'Sheffield, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Cupertino, CA', 'US';'Belfast, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Lund, Sweden', 'SE';'Bonn, Germany', 'DE';'Bergen, Norway', 'NO';'Detroit, MI', 'US';'Christchurch, New Zealand', 'NZ';'Seoul, South Korea', 'KR';'St. Louis, MO', 'US';'Durham, NC', 'US';'Frankfurt, Germany', 'DE';'Winnipeg, Canada', 'CA';'Montevideo, Uruguay', 'UY';'Rio De Janeiro, Brazil', 'BR';'Kerala', 'IN';'Kansas', 'US';'Mexico City, Mexico', 'MX';'Halifax, Canada', 'CA';'Santa Barbara, CA', 'US';'Bratislava, Slovakia', 'SK';'Jacksonville, FL', 'US';'Tbilisi, Georgia', 'GE';'Timisoara, Romania', 'RO';'Dテシsseldorf, Germany', 'DE';'Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Chandigarh, India', 'IN';'Leipzig, Germany', 'DE';'Kerala, India', 'IN';'Colorado Springs, CO', 'US';'Des Moines, IA', 'US';'Knoxville, TN', 'US';'Toulouse, France', 'FR';'Riga, Latvia', 'LV';'Dubai, United Arab Emirates', 'AE';'Nepal', 'NP';'Cardiff, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Georgia', 'GE';'York, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Cary, NC', 'US';'Malta', 'MT';'Jakarta, Indonesia', 'ID';'Berne, Switzerland', 'CH';'Birmingham, AL', 'US';'Islamabad, Pakistan', 'PK';'Kyiv, Ukraine', 'UA';'Silicon Valley', 'US';'San Antonio, TX', 'US';'The Netherlands', 'ND';'Bangkok, Thailand', 'TH';'Turin, Italy', 'IT';'Maine', 'US';'Grenoble, France', 'FR';'Belo Horizonte, Brazil', 'BR';'Blacksburg, VA', 'US';'Kentucky', 'US';'Coimbatore, India', 'IN';'Albuquerque, NM', 'US';'Uppsala, Sweden', 'SE';'Rio de Janeiro, Brazil', 'BR';'Antwerp, Belgium', 'BE';'Scottsdale, AZ', 'US';'Oklahoma City, OK', 'US';'Alabama', 'US';'Taipei City, Taiwan', 'TW';'Boise, ID', 'US';'Bellingham, WA', 'US';'Fairfax, VA', 'US';'Tennessee', 'US';'Manila, Philippines', 'PH';'Taiwan', 'TW';'Santa Monica, CA', 'US';'Tucson, AZ', 'US';'Syracuse, NY', 'US';'Berlin', 'DE';'Missouri', 'US';'Iceland', 'IS';'Santa Cruz, CA', 'US';'Colombia', 'CO';'Quebec', 'CA';'Yerevan, Armenia', 'AM';'Campinas, Brazil', 'BR';'The Hague, The Netherlands', 'ND';'Kansas City, KS', 'US';'Scotland', 'GB';'Novosibirsk, Russia', 'RU';'NYC', 'US';'Kirkland, WA', 'US';'Vancouver, WA', 'US';'Amman, Jordan', 'JO';'Fort Worth, TX', 'US';'South Carolina', 'US';'Latvia', 'LV';'Vermont', 'US';'Iasi, Romania', 'RO';'Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia', 'MY';'Columbia, SC', 'US';'Bloomington, IN', 'US';'Gdansk, Poland', 'PL';'Overland Park, KS', 'US';'Charleston, SC', 'US';'Heidelberg, Germany', 'DE';'Southern California', 'US';'Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania', 'LT';'Kitchener, Canada', 'CA';'Uruguay', 'UY';'Porto, Portugal', 'PT';'Thessaloniki, Greece', 'GR';'Lima, Peru', 'PE';'Beirut, Lebanon', 'LB';'San Mateo, CA', 'US';'Champaign, IL', 'US';'Vilnius, Lithuania', 'LT';'Venezuela', 'VE';'Vadodara, India', 'IN';'District of Columbia', 'US';'Rotterdam, The Netherlands', 'ND';'Lebanon', 'LB';'Saskatoon, Canada', 'CA';'Novi Sad, Serbia', 'RS';'Gainesville, FL', 'US';'Macedonia', 'MK';'Rennes, France', 'FR';'Linkテカping, Sweden', 'SE';'Bologna, Italy', 'IT';'Fort Collins, CO', 'US';'Honolulu, HI', 'US';'Paris', 'FR';'Strasbourg, France', 'FR';'St Paul, MN', 'US';'Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Montpellier, France', 'FR';'South Korea', 'KR';'Porto Alegre, Brazil', 'BR';'Washington', 'US';'Tampere, Finland', 'FI';'Idaho', 'US';'Hanover, Germany', 'DE';'Providence, RI', 'US';'Nebraska', 'US';'Plano, TX', 'US';'Memphis, TN', 'US';'テ・hus, Denmark', 'DK';'Mississauga, Canada', 'CA';'Chapel Hill, NC', 'US';'Dayton, OH', 'US';'Anchorage, AK', 'US';'Nantes, France', 'FR';'Bath, United Kingdom', 'GB';'Lexington, KY', 'US';'Arkansas', 'US';'Tulsa, OK', 'US';'Barcelona', 'ES';'Lincoln, NE', 'US';'Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'BA';'Graz, Austria', 'AT';'Quebec, Canada', 'CA';

  • 1
    Is it just me, or does the data dump look very chunky?
    – user188031
    Commented Sep 27, 2013 at 1:42
  • 1
    @Jeff It is chunky. Being a non-programmer, I did all my work in Excel. Rather than provide it on a zillion lines, I just quoted and comma separated user location and coded location, and then put a semi-colon between each entry so you can parse it with whatever language you want. If you would like it in a different format, you could upload it to Google Spreadsheets or the like to make it more accessible.
    – jmac
    Commented Sep 27, 2013 at 1:50
  • @jmac I added some more sup and sub tags to make it smaller and searchable, but it got a bit too small.
    – user188031
    Commented Sep 27, 2013 at 19:54

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