A while ago I asked a question on the SFF Meta When I flag as dupe, can the system put the link to the answer and not the question?, but I have recently realised that it would be a better fit here. I will copy/paste the question here:
This might be a little bit confusing, please bear with me.
As per this discussion: http://meta.scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/3684/should-questions-tagged-as-duplicates-because-of-an-answer-be-treated-different?cb=1
What essentially happened is that I flagged the question as dupe, but when I did, I flagged with a link to an answer and not the question.
A very subtle difference, but it could help the OP and any mods / reviewers seeing the flag understand why I've made the flag, or where the duplication lies.
To clarify:
Could we please change the flagging process to accept links to answers and not just the question which contains the answer?
So when the users click on the link in
This question already has an answer here:
Link to Question x answers
they should, in these cases be taken to the answer, and not the question.
Notice how I'm linking to a specific answer (i.e. "https://scifi.stackexchange.com/a/40119/21267"). It wouldn't matter if the post has 100 answers, the user would be pointed directly to the answer they're looking for.
Here's how it would work:
I see a new question posted and open up the close-as-dupe dialog. Which will then prompt me for a link to a post. What I'm asking about is if I enter a link to an answer: