For the past few years, since they started the question ban, we've been getting lots of questions from users (usually new) asking why they can't ask questions, and what the error dialog means. Unfortunately, instead of helping them to understand the problem, the question is usually closed as a dupe of this question (and similar ones on the site-metas).
That question is a very general description of their problem, with it's best feature being the links to the questions that show how to write good questions. The problem is that it doesn't (and can't really) give specific instructions on what the problem is. Instead of continuing down this path, that obviously doesn't work that well, let's find a way to give some specific input to each user.
The message that comes up could have a link to a user-specific page that shows that user their questions (including deleted), and the ratings associated with them. It would have a short explanation of the ratings so they would be able to study and understand which questions are causing the problems. It would also have the link to the generic question-ban question.
This method would also give them feedback, as they try to ask another question, they can then go back to that page and see what scores improved. We could even add a permanent link to that page from the user profile, so any user can go look at the rating of their questions.
Instead of just blaming the users, lets find a way to better educate them.