This post has nothing to do with altering actual reputation values.
I've been a user of a few Stack sites for a few years now. One site in particular. In fact, I've got the highest reputation at one site.
The thing I dislike most about stack sites is that all users see the total rep value for every user on the site. This often is the catalyst for either off-handed remarks or outright hunt and attack schemes from other users.
It's somewhat like the old west.... how do you make a name for yourself? Find the highest rep users and go around disputing what they've posted, even if technology has changed and old answers may no longer be valid.
In addition, users with lower reputation can often be targeted by higher rep users with the assumption that they have no clue with respect to what they are posting. The truth of the matter is, a users rep has no basis in their knowledge or experience. It only reflects their usefulness on that stack site. It is entirely possible for the most knowledgable person on a site to have a rep below 100 or even 10.
In light of this it started me wondering... why does UserX with 3 days on the site and 5 rep need to know my total rep score? Why does UserY with 10k rep need to know a new user has 1 rep versus 300 rep? Why wouldn't some subjective value be used rather than total points? Names could be assigned to members based upon their reputation:
- New user
- Novice
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Exceptional
- Experienced
- Guru
Or something similar.
These are just off the top of my head.
Using monikers rather than showing the total score would serve a few purposes that I can think of:
- Make all users feel more included and not ashamed of any low value.
- Not make any one user seem more "special" than others.
- Eliminate any seek and destroy tactics targeted at highest rep users.
Things such as the users page could still be listed as to who gained the most rep for the week, month, quarter, year but the actual number values would be hidden to everyone but moderators and that user.
I'm not proposing that the values be eliminated or even changed, just that they be hidden to all users in favor of a more ambiguous "term" for the public. Reputation values tend to serve to segregate the user base. That, to me, is not a favorable thing.