Chat rooms bait for users and activity - that's a fact. Often when rooms grow to a point where discussions or meta-decisions needs to be conducted, a need to create more rooms around similar topics exists.
Proposal: Create meta rooms of existing rooms
Use cases
Rooms that are used for collaboration on room features (namely room owner elections for the Javascript room, several chatbot testbeds, and temporary rooms to hash out issues). Linking these rooms will:
- Assist coordination. Room owners can create meta rooms for other rooms owners / concerned users to participate when discussions don't belong, without outsourcing to a discrete room.
- Prevent premature freezing of the room as long as the primary one is still alive — Removes the need to bump. (Perhaps a separate "Archive this subroom" feature, as it provides the appropriate control.)
- Synchronize participation. Rooms created for the purpose of being sub-rooms currently simply have no need for most features like scheduling events or feeds; These settings can inherit from the main room.
- Line up together instead of running in discrete.
Rooms that are created for being part of another room is confusing, and while occasionally on-topic, doesn't strictly behave well in the format of a separate room. However, that doesn't prevent it from happening many times. Very often, the demand is only temporary but arises on regular basis's. It is difficult for visitors to understand the source, as well as a synchronized management system. Additionally, the information held in them is as precious as in any other room! When they are frozen and deleted (because of low user participation), it is buried from the room and never seen by anyone again. By marking them as sub-rooms, they are hung on appropriately and can be organized in a better format. They would also enhance the organization of chat rooms and provide a medium for the communities of each chat room to organize better.
Also suggesting sub-rooms to be moderated by room owners of the main rooms only so as to be synchronized.