I'm starting to block lots of javascript trackers using the Ghostery browser extension for reasons.
Currently Stack Exchange seems to be using the following tracking technologies across multiple sites according to my brief analysis:
- Adzerk - http://static.adzerk.net/ados.js (and 4 other scripts once this parent script loads)
- Facebook Social Graph - several locations that seem machine generated as opposed to static links
- Google Analytics - http://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js
- Quantcast - http://edge.quantserve.com/quant.js
- ScoreCard Research Beacon - http://b.scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js
Personally, I was stunned recently at how much more responsive the site was under marginal network connections with everything but gravatar blocked, but I also don't want to kneecap the site's revenue and research data. With broadband, I'm not seeing very measurable issues, but still am learning what/how these work in practice.
Would someone go out on a limb and rank these in terms of which ones are most critical to the site as currently designed?
I'm more tempted to unblock trackers when they are few and/or justified by the site owners with somewhat reasonable explanation on how they support the mission. It's clear my experience is better blocking these trackers, but I'm looking forward to learning the provider side of the story as well.
Thanks to anyone that can point me to where this is already documented or can answer below in a semi-official capacity.