Here's a scenario:

Someone asked about "How to build a SQL query to get count and blah blah blah..."

His only tag is . I added the and tags to it.

Someone else answered with a nice SQL statement that has a "group by" statement which seems "logically inevitable".

I proceed to add a tag . I did that on the basis that someone who searches for will be able to find this post useful, just as I did. My concern is, it wasn't described at all in the question, nor was it implied, unlike and .

What is the community opinion?

The scenario above is a real one here. And the one who answered it nicely is Jon Skeet.

  • 1
    Weird, there a vote up while the view count for the post is 0. Caching at work? :P
    – o.k.w
    Commented Oct 22, 2009 at 9:32
  • I agree that a question should be retaged with applicable tags, byt does a group-by tag really add any benefit? Why not a Select tag or a From tag?
    – lansinwd
    Commented Oct 22, 2009 at 16:33
  • 1
    @lansinwd: Only 5 tags max, and I feel that by-group is the essence of the context.
    – o.k.w
    Commented Oct 23, 2009 at 0:39

2 Answers 2


Why not?

There are five tags to be used on a question, so use them.

When an answer gets accepted, it becomes fused (until no longer accepted) to the question.

A relevant tag to couple the question and answer together with a concept sounds perfectly valid after the fact.

Tags also help in finding related questions and possible dupes.

  • 1
    @random: fused, I like this description :)
    – o.k.w
    Commented Oct 22, 2009 at 9:43

I'd expect that if the user had realized GROUP BY clauses were relevant to his question, he wouldn't have felt the need to ask the question at all :-) But it looks like there's more to his question, according to his comments on Jon's answer, hence this kind of retagging might indeed do the OP a favor and help users follow up on his question.

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